S.O. Proficiency Program
(for Coaches/Trainers)
For some time I have noticed that the quality of S.O. coaching vary very much depending on the trainers who are coaching it. Up to the certain point, that is natural, as each processor (and trainer) coach S.O. in the accord with his own experiences and personality. But in the case of SPIRITUAL OPTION, that fact was exaggerated by the way in which the training and certification process was organized (or not organized, to be honest :(
Variations in the quality of S.O. coaching was the consequence of the lack of technical support trainers and coaches were getting from me.
Such difference in the quality of S.O. with different trainers and coaches is understandable.
Trainers who were using it with a lot of clients (or coaching many workshops) were having their own experiences, and they were incorporating these experiences in their work.
Because of that, many of such coaches/trainers were drifting away from the real S.O. and they were coaching some “modified” versions of the system. That process happens naturally even if the trainer/coach tries to stay with the standard technique.
For those who were not using S.O. extensively, technical proficiency was also suffering, but from different reason. They were just forgetting, and their technique was getting “rusty”.
So, large variations in the quality of S.O. that our clients were getting are mainly my responsibility, as I wasn’t providing technical support S.O. trainers needed.
Problem with Non-certified “coaches” of S.O.
Additional point of the confusion was introduced by the fact that S.O is giving so good results, and it’s basically so simple that a lot of practitioners feel that without training they can coach other people in its use.
Unfortunately, coaching others is not the same as using the system, so many of such people were coaching anything BUT Spiritual Option. There were lot of people who were coaching such S.O. and others who were calling it differently (but using exactly the same techniques and my materials).
All these thing created the confusion with the clients about what SPIRITUAL OPTION really is and what are just the pipe-dreams of some guru wannabes.
This is why we have created the “S.O. Proficiency Program for Coaches/Trainers”.
This program will provide continuous transfer of the latest technical knowledge to the coaches/trainers of SPIRITUAL OPTION, as well as the guarantee to the clients that they are getting the “real S.O.”.
What does this program consists of?
Participants in the program will have an option to directly send to me (by e-mail) any technical question about coaching S.O. and to receive my answer.
We will also organize Technical Support webinars at least twice a year, on which I will present latest technical developments of the S.O. and you will be able to get immediate answers to your questions in Q&A part of the webinar.
You will also receive the videos of the webinars, so you will be able to study them at leisure
I have also created this website (www.SpiritualOption.org (notice *.ORG (not “.com”) domain)).
On that website, all certified trainers and practitioners will be listed with their certification level and their contact data.
In this way clients will be able to get valid information about coaches and trainers, and that will allow them to make informed decision about processors they choose to get S.O. coaching from.
Because of all this, the membership in this program will:
- Allow you to get the latest technical S.O. developments in webinars (twice a year), as well as possibility to personally ask me about anything you would like to know about coaching S.O.
- Get you regular updates about what’s new in S.O. and about the best ways of coaching it and helping your clients achieve their goals.
- Learn from the experience and the knowledge of other Practitioners and trainers of SPIRITUAL OPTION.
- Give you additional confidence because of the fact that you practice and coach S.O. in the best possible way. That will improve the results you get with your clients, as well as allowing you to achieve your own goals.
- Guarantee to your clients that you are REALLY certified and that they are getting “the real S.O.” from you. (Clients will be able to see on my official site that you are a certified S.O. trainer (or processor).
Join Up-to-Date Practitioners Program ($100/year)
Join Up-to-Date Trainers Program ($125/year)